
How are you going to abort the patriarchy?

Write a manifesto—a public declaration—on how you will reject the patriarchy. It will be cathartic. It will not topple the patriarchy any time soon, but it will give you an attitude to carry you through the tough time ahead. "Dreaming," Gloria Steinem said, "is an act of planning."

Seven Steps to Creating a Manifesto

Step 1. Notice.
Take time to observe and record every instance of the patriarchy in your daily life. Get yourself a thick journal. Remember, the patriarchy is upheld by institutions, traditions, and people (women as well as men).

Step 2. Discuss.
Talk about how the patriarchy appears in your life. It's a great conversation topic over coffee or during a walk. Host a dinner party and see where the conversation goes. Synthesize the ideas and let them marinate.

Step 3. Write.
Wrestle with nuance. Express yourself with precision. Confront new ways of thinking. Get comfortable with discomfort.

Step 4. Learn.
Understand the history. Study the feminist movements. Read the articles and essays that challenge patriarchal systems. Dive into poetry. Watch the documentaries and dive into podcasts. Listen to those who came before us.

Step 5. Group.
In your journal, color code and analyze recurring themes. Group ideas. What concepts are emerging for you?

Step 6. Manifest.
Turn each theme into a guiding action that you will adopt. Write a manifesto and make public your aims for aborting the patriarchy in your life. Ideas are a contagion. Share them.

Step 7. Repeat.